The California Load Flexibility Research and Development Hub (CalFlexHub) is the innovation hub supporting the scaled adoption of affordable, equitable, and reliable load flexible technologies.

FLEXLAB and FLEXGRID enable users to test and evaluate various flexible demand- and supply-side technologies and applications under real-world conditions.

Aiming to enable an economically sustainable, lower-carbon energy economy by creating an integrated energy system simulation capability and a validation testbed.

Integrated Distribution System Planning (IDSP) provides a systematic approach to satisfy customer service expectations and state and utility objectives for grid planning and design.

Uncovering deep energy and cost savings with energy management and information systems.

Stor4Build is a new consortium on energy storage for buildings that will accelerate the growth, optimization, and deployment of storage technologies.

As a Senior Scientist her personal research interests include new building technologies, modeling, and analysis; commercial and residential building systems integration; grid interactive communications and integration with electric vehicles, energy storage, and photovoltaics.

Granderson focuses on energy management and information systems (EMIS), fault diagnostics and control, and advanced measurement and verification.

Pritoni conducts research in the area of advanced controls, data-driven modeling and data analytics applied to buildings. He leads a team of researchers working on optimization of building operation and building-to-grid interaction.
Berkeley Lab scientists discuss how advances in energy storage can help us prevent extreme weather-related blackouts, adopt more renewable energy, and build bigger, better, more environmentally responsible batteries.