Perlmutter super computer at Berkeley Lab. Illustration of a global network connected by various scientific equipment and data servers, with lines linking icons representing a telescope, servers, a computer chip, and other technology around a globe. Two scientists point at a figure on the computer.

At Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, we are expanding the frontiers of knowledge and delivering solutions for science and humankind.

Portrait of a person with shoulder-length blonde hair, wearing a hardhat, safety goggles, and safety vest, smiling. Portrait of a person with shoulder-length brown hair, wearing a blue shirt, smiling. Portrait of a person with short brown hair, wearing a black collared top, smiling. A 3D reconstruction of a skyrmion derived from X-ray images. Researcher working at a laptop. An illustration of a microchip is composited in the background. An illustration of factory smoke stacks emitting clouds of pollution, with three large yellow arrows pointing downward against a blue grid background.